Minbil the Otter Part 4.


A Reading and Listening Practice Video☝

Click here for Minbil the Otter 1, 2, 3 & 4

Mijbil the Otter Part 4.

1. How long did Maxwell and Mij stay in London?

  • a) One week
  • b) One month
  • c) Nearly a month
  • d) Two months

2. What items did Mij play with in London?

  • a) Sticks and stones
  • b) Ping-pong balls, marbles, and rubber fruit
  • c) Wooden toys and cards
  • d) Strings and buttons

3. What did Mij use to play his self-invented game with the ping-pong ball?

  • a) A table
  • b) A damaged suitcase
  • c) A slanted wall
  • d) A terrapin shell

4. How would Mij play with the ball on the suitcase?

  • a) Roll it down and chase it
  • b) Bounce it off the suitcase
  • c) Hide it under the suitcase
  • d) Throw it over the suitcase

5. How did Maxwell exercise Mij outside the house?

  • a) By letting him roam free
  • b) By taking him on a lead like a dog
  • c) By allowing him to play in a park
  • d) By training him in a gym

6. What habit did Mij develop during his walks in London?

  • a) Scratching at doors
  • b) Following Maxwell closely
  • c) Performing rituals similar to children
  • d) Refusing to walk on certain pavements

7. What was Mij’s favorite spot on his way home?

  • a) A park near the flat
  • b) A low wall near a primary school
  • c) A fountain in the street
  • d) A bench outside the flat

8. How long was the low wall that Mij loved to run along?

  • a) 10 yards
  • b) 20 yards
  • c) 30 yards
  • d) 40 yards

9. How did the school staff and pupils react to Mij running on the wall?

  • a) They were amused
  • b) They were distracted
  • c) They ignored him
  • d) They tried to chase him away

10. What group of animals do otters belong to?

  • a) Marsupials
  • b) Mustellines
  • c) Rodents
  • d) Carnivores

11. Which of the following animals are related to otters?

  • a) Lions and tigers
  • b) Badgers and mongooses
  • c) Rabbits and hares
  • d) Kangaroos and koalas

12. What incorrect guesses did people make about Mij’s identity?

  • a) Squirrel, baby seal, and walrus
  • b) Rabbit, kangaroo, and fox
  • c) Dog, cat, and bird
  • d) Snake, fish, and turtle

13. What was the strangest guess about Mij’s identity?

  • a) A bear cub
  • b) A brontosaur
  • c) A baby leopard
  • d) A hippo

14. Who asked the most memorable question about Mij?

  • a) A school teacher
  • b) A labourer digging a hole
  • c) A child passing by
  • d) A street vendor

15. How did the labourer react upon seeing Mij?

  • a) He smiled and asked what it was
  • b) He tried to pet Mij
  • c) He ignored Mij completely
  • d) He stared, spat, and asked gruffly


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