Vocation. Comprehension. 1. Profession: What are the three professions the speaker observes? Hawker, Gardener, Watchman 2. Time: When does the speaker see the hawker? Morning 3. Freedom: What aspect of the hawker's life does the speaker envy? Freedom of movement 4. Task: What does the gardener do with his spade? Digs 5. Worry: Who doesn't tell the gardener what to do? Nobody 6. Sun: What does the speaker wish for the gardener in relation to the sun? Doesn't get bothered by the sun 7. Time: When does the speaker see the watchman? Evening 8. Feeling: What does the speaker describe about the lane? Dark 9. Light: What object is described with a red eye? Street lamp 10. Activity: What does the watchman do with his lantern? Swings it 11. Companion: Who walks beside the watchman? His shadow 12. Sleep: Does the speaker think the watchman ev...