
Reported Speech Drag and Drop Aexercise 1

  Reported Speech Drag and Drop Exercise 1 He now." said, busy "I am Previous Next Clear

Noun-modifiers 2

  Noun-modifiers 2  bought an red car. He expensive Previous Next Clear

Framing Wh Questions Exercise 2

  Dear students!  You've got to know the meanings ol the questions and then use them in your conversations and writings.  Knr.  eat? What do like to you Previous Next Clear

A Short Monsoon Diary Part 1 Class 8

  A Short Monsoon Diary Part 1.  1. What is the main purpose of a diary, as described in the introduction? A) To record historical events B) To list personal achievements C) To document personal experiences over time D) To publish stories for children Correct Answer: C) To document personal experiences over time 2. What effect does the mist have on the surroundings in June 24's entry? A) It causes intense heat B) It brings silence and melancholy C) It clears the air of pollutants D) It brings heavy rain Correct Ans...

A Short Monsoon Diary Class 8 Drag and Drop Quiz

  A Short Monsoon Diary Class 8 Drag and Drop Quiz The arrives. mist monsoon Previous Next Clear


  First please watch the video ☝☝☝ to know how to combine the sentences using Noun-modifiers. Then please play the Drag and drop exercise below 👇👇👇. You can clearly understand how to combine them. Thank you. Knr.  with bought house beautiful a She spacious garden. a Previous Next Clear

On Killing A Tree Class 9

  1. What does the poet say about killing a tree? a) It can be killed easily b) It takes much time c) A single cut is enough d) It dies naturally Correct Answer: b) It takes much time 2. What does the tree consume from the earth? a) Stones and dust b) Soil and minerals c) Water and nutrients d) Air and fire Correct Answer: c) Water and nutrients 3. What helps the tree grow strong? a) Sunlight, air, and ...

Vocation Class 6

  Read and Answer 👇 1. At what time does the speaker go to school? a) 8 AM b) 10 AM c) 12 PM d) 4 PM Correct Answer: b) 10 AM 2. What does the hawker sell? a) Toys b) Fruits c) Bangles d) Books Correct Answer: c) Bangles 3. Why does the speaker wish to be a hawker? a) He wants to sell bangles. b) The hawker is rich. c) The hawker has no fixed routine...

Framing Wh Questions Drag and Drop Exercise 1

  Dear students!  Know the meanings of the Question Words and Questions. Frame and ask your own questions. This is a Drag and Drop Exercise. Knr. 👇 is color? favorite your What Previous Next Clear

The Garden Snake Class 7

  The Garden Snake Class 7 1. What is the main theme of the poem "Garden Snake"? A. Fear of snakes B. The harmlessness of a garden snake C. Snake hunting techniques D. Snake habitat preferences Correct Answer: B. The harmlessness of a garden snake 2. Why does the speaker initially run away from the snake? A. Because the snake is dangerous B. Because the snake is harmful to plants C. Because the snake is too big D. Because of fear and misunderstanding Correct Answer: D. Because of fear and misunderstanding ...