The Friendly Mongoose 2


Read the second part of the story and answer. You will surely enjoy the wonderful language generated when all the wrong choices are discussed

1. What did the farmer’s wife find on the mongoose when she returned home?

  • A) Dirt
  • B) Blood
  • C) Mud
  • D) Water

2. What was the farmer’s wife carrying when she returned from the market?

  • A) A baby
  • B) A heavy basket
  • C) A pet
  • D) A tool

3. What did the farmer’s wife conclude upon seeing the blood on the mongoose?

  • A) The mongoose was hurt
  • B) The mongoose had killed her son
  • C) The mongoose was playing
  • D) The mongoose was hungry

4. How did the mongoose greet the farmer’s wife upon her return?

  • A) By running away
  • B) By attacking her
  • C) By running to welcome her
  • D) By barking

5. What did the farmer’s wife use to hit the mongoose?

  • A) A stick
  • B) A rock
  • C) A heavy basket
  • D) Her hand

6. What did the farmer’s wife discover inside the house after attacking the mongoose?

  • A) The baby was missing
  • B) The baby was asleep
  • C) The baby was crying
  • D) The baby was dead

7. What was lying on the floor next to the baby’s cradle?

  • A) A toy
  • B) A blanket
  • C) A black snake
  • D) A pillow

8. What had the mongoose done to the snake?

  • A) Played with it
  • B) Killed it
  • C) Ignored it
  • D) Befriended it

9. How did the farmer’s wife feel after realizing the mongoose had saved her child?

  • A) Relieved
  • B) Angry
  • C) Grateful
  • D) Sad

10. What did the farmer’s wife do after finding the mongoose dead?

  • A) She cried
  • B) She ran away
  • C) She buried the mongoose
  • D) She called for help

11. What lesson can be learned from the farmer’s wife’s actions?

  • A) Act quickly without thinking
  • B) Trust all animals
  • C) Think before acting
  • D) Never trust a mongoose

12. What was the farmer’s wife’s reaction when she first saw the blood on the mongoose?

  • A) She was calm
  • B) She was happy
  • C) She was hysterical
  • D) She was confused

13. How did the mongoose die?

  • A) From a snake bite
  • B) From hunger
  • C) From the farmer’s wife’s blow
  • D) From an illness

14. After realizing her mistake, what did the farmer’s wife do?

  • A) She repented.
  • B) She left the house
  • C) She cleaned the house
  • D) She went back to the market

15. What did the farmer’s wife realize about her initial assumption?

  • A) It was correct
  • B) It was wrong
  • C) It was not important
  • D) It was inevitable


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