Where the Mind is Without Fear Rabindranath Tagore
What is the primary emotion described in the poem?
a) Fear
b) Confidence
c) Joy
d) Sadness
According to the poem, where should knowledge be?
a) Restricted
b) Limited
c) Controlled
d) Free
What does the poem suggest about divisions among people?
a) They are necessary
b) They are unavoidable
c) They should be encouraged
d) They should not exist
What kind of walls does the poet mention in the poem?
a) Physical walls
b) Emotional walls
c) Domestic walls
d) Mental walls
From where should words come out, according to the poem?
a) Fear
b) Joy
c) Truth
d) Anger
What does the poet compare striving for perfection to?
a) A marathon
b) A journey
c) A race
d) A competition
What does the poet want reason to avoid?
a) Happiness
b) Sadness
c) Dead habits
d) Success
What does the poet want the mind to be led forward by?
a) Fear
b) Confusion
c) Reason
d) Anger
What does the poet want the mind to be guided into?
a) Narrow thinking
b) Narrow actions
c) Ever-widening thought and action
d) Limited thought and action
What does the poet compare freedom to?
a) A cage
b) A prison
c) Heaven
d) A trap
Who does the poet address in the poem?
a) His family
b) His friends
c) His country
d) Himself
What does the poet hope for his country?
a) To remain the same
b) To regress
c) To awake to freedom
d) To become more divided
Which word is a synonym for "fearless" as used in the poem?
a) Timid
b) Brave
c) Afraid
d) Scared
What is a synonym for "perfection" in the context of the poem?
a) Imperfection
b) Flawlessness
c) Mediocrity
d) Failure
What is a synonym for "striving" in the poem?
a) Relaxing
b) Resting
c) Efforting
d) Sleeping
Which word is a synonym for "freedom" as mentioned in the poem?
a) Imprisonment
b) Captivity
c) Liberty
d) Constraint
What is the antonym for "fear" as used in the poem?
a) Courage
b) Anxiety
c) Terror
d) Dread
Which word is an antonym for "narrow" as mentioned in the poem?
a) Limited
b) Restricted
c) Broad
d) Constricted
What is the antonym for "dead" as used in the poem?
a) Alive
b) Lifeless
c) Dormant
d) Inactive
Which word is an antonym for "fragmented" in the poem?
a) Divided
b) Whole
c) Separate
d) Segregated
1. Answer: b) Confidence 2. Answer: d) Free 3. Answer: d) They should not exist 4. Answer: c) Domestic walls 5. Answer: c) Truth 6. Answer: b) A journey 7. Answer: c) Dead habits 8. Answer: c) Reason 9. Answer: c) Ever-widening thought and action 10. Answer: c) Heaven 11. Answer: c) His country 12. Answer: c) To awake to freedom 13. Answer: b) Brave 14. Answer: b) Flawlessness 15. Answer: c) Efforting 16. Answer: c) Liberty 17. Answer: a) Courage 18. Answer: c) Broad 19. Answer: a) Alive 20. Answer: b) Whole
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