British Accent 👇👇👇👇👇
American Accent 👇👇👇👇
Question: What are Maria and Anna going to do at the language festival?
(A) Learn new languages
(B) Practice their pronunciation
(C) Learn about different cultures
(D) All of the above
The answer is (D). Maria and Anna are going to do all of the things listed in the answer .
Question: In which culture is Anna interested in?
A. Chinese.
B. Japanese
C. British.
D. American.
Answer: B. Japanese.
Question: Who is going to sign up for a Japanese culture workshop?
A. Maria
B. Anna
C. Bothe Maria and Anna.
D. None of the Above.
Answer: A. Maria.
Questions: Whose dance and music concert are going to be performed ?
A. Japanese.
B. British.
C. American.
D. Chinese.
Answer: D. Chinese.
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